
The Britzer Garden is to a large extent accessible and has some wheelchair accessible WC facilities.

In the summer of 2018, the Britzer Garden was tested for accessibility for the first time by »Reisen für Alle«, or Travel for Everybody, and received certification for the period of November 2018 to October 2021.

You can find detailed information on the individual facilities (WC facilities, parking spaces and rollability of the paths) in our »Walk'n Roll« overview.

In addition, the portal »Berlin für Blinde« (Förderband e. V.), or Berlin for the Blind, offers an audio walk through the Britzer Garden with 37 stops. The stations are accompanied by four different narrators: Heide Bartholomäus, Juliane Gregori, Michael Stoerzer and Stefan Peetz. Information about the walks and the dates can be found on the website of the association.

Accessible Kneipp Health Trail

The stations of the Kneipp tealth trail for the cold knee cast and the arm plunge pool can also be used barrier-free.
You can find the exact locations of the Kneipp health trail in our interactive park map.

Free wheelchair rental

Depending on availability wheelchairs can be rented at the »Mohriner Allee« entrance. As there are only a few wheelchairs available for this purpose, we kindly ask you to inform us of your needs by telephone a few days in advance.

Tel.  030 700 906 510