Karl Foerster Perennial Garden
In the perennial garden there are about 35 different types of perennials on an area of 10,000 square metres. Funkie, larkspur, columbine and lily are just some of them. Even if a certain perennial variety does not flower all year round, a corresponding diversity of varieties or the play with plant contours has always created new garden pictures depending on the season, such that a visit to the garden is always worthwhile.

According to their different requirements regarding location, soil type, climate, water and lighting, the garden is divided into two areas. This arrangement is based on the knowledge of the eponymous perennial grower Karl Foerster (1874-1970).
In the »Formal Garden«, bedding or splendid perennials have been created over many years of breeding and tending to. On 12 beds, each of which takes up a colourful motif, you can marvel at the varied plantings. In the »Natural Garden« on the other hand, wild perennials show themselves in their very different habitats – from rock garden plants from alpine areas to forest perennials.

For perennial species with an affinity for water, there is a water basin christened “Südsee” in the middle of the garden. Around the basin you will also find cultivated wild shrubs such as irises, day lilies, water lilies, troll flowers, forget-me-nots and various grasses.
And of course there is also a phlox garden, because, to use Foerster’s words: »A garden without phlox is a mistake«.