Participate & Donate
Anyone who wants to experience Britzer Garden as more than just a visitor can get involved in various ways to preserve and develop the park. The spectrum of possibilities ranges from a simple donation to the care of a flowerbed, all the way to membership in the association »Friends of the Britzer Garden«, which was founded in December 2002 by the former district mayor Prof. Bodo Manegold and the senate council Prof. Erhard Mahler.
The charitable aims of the association include promoting the educational function of the Britzer Garden and its facilities, developing future concepts for its design and providing idealistic and financial support for the garden. If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to find out more about the various fields of activity of the association, you can visit the homepage of the association or write an email:
But also those who can raise money rather than time are welcome to support us with a donation. The Britzer Garden is happy about any kind of support, no matter how small, especially for the following purposes:
- Plants: Supply, planting and maintenance of perennials and woody plants
- Animals: Materials and feed
- Health trail: Construction of Kneipp plants for cold knee and arm castings
- Playground equipment: Renewal and repair
- Art in the park: Repair and maintenance
- Environmental education centre
Non-earmarked donations are of course also possible.
We are recognised by the tax office as a non-profit organisation and are happy to issue a donation receipt for donations of 300.00 € or more. For amounts up to 300,00 € the transfer order is sufficient for the tax office.
Our donation account:
Grün Berlin GmbH
Berliner Sparkasse
IBAN DE54 1005 0000 0630 0258 19
In addition to naming the Britzer Garden (Britzer Garten), the transfer must also indicate one of the above-mentioned purposes.