Water Playground
»Swimsuit on and full speed ahead!«
Near the entrance »Blütenachse«, Flower Axis, is our water playground. The water playground is modelled on a rocky landscape that invites adventurous children to climb and frolic. Just like in »real« nature, the water rises from a mountain spring and flows from there in small streams through the lovingly designed area. A special challenge for children who like to experiment is provided by the various sluice gates with which one can playfully control the water courses in the streams.

Water Labyrinth
In spring 2024, an additional, more accessible water labyrinth was added to the water playground right next to the milk bar. In future, older children and children with disabilities will also be able to romp, play and cool off on hot summer days in the play area, which was previously mainly designed for toddlers. The new water labyrinth consists of five circles and is equipped with water jets embedded in the ground.
The individual jets of the 14.5 metre wide water feature can be controlled via various ground-level and raised push buttons to open up paths through the labyrinth and thus promote active and varied play. The height of the fountains produced is staggered - from one metre in the outer circles to 1.50 metres in the inner circles of the labyrinth. The water used is recycled in a circulation system and reused.
In the main season, the water labyrinth is in action from 10 am to 7 pm.