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Park Railway

The park railway is currently not in service. It is estimated to run in August.

»Strolling while sitting«

For railway enthusiasts, discoverers and those who are tired of walking, there is the possibility to explore the Britzer Garden with a historical park railway. The winding circular path of the 600-millimetre field railway leads visitors along the outer limits of the park through the entire complex. The park railway, which is open at the sides, allows for panoramic views of the varied scenery of the Britzer Garden.

The stop »Buckower Damm«, located in the south-east section of the park, can be used as the starting point of the journey, which includes a total of five stops. From »Buckower Damm« the park railway moves clockwise through the different areas of the park, giving fellow travellers a convenient overview of its many attractions. Passing the southern lake, the tracks lead along the perennial and rose garden. From there, the park railway loses itself in the western foothills of the park, before starting the journey to the fairground and the north-eastern part of the park, from where the open expanse of the landscape with its opulent lake and hilly landscape can be overlooked. Finally, the park railway reaches Kalenderplatz, where you will find the Orangerie Café and the largest sundial in Europe. From there, the park railway winds its way back south, past the water playground and the outdoor laboratory in the Environmental Education Centre.

The entire route covers six kilometres and the journey takes about one hour. If you don't want to sit for that long, you can also get off or get on at any of the five stops located at the respective entrances to the park.

per complete tour 1 hour 7,00 €
per station 1,50 €

Children (from 5 years on):
per complete tour 3,50 €
per station 0,50 €

Children under 5 years ride for free accompanied by adults. Carriages can be transported.